Project 3:28 exists to see the UK church embrace gender justice. By standing together as men and women committed to change, we want to bring a prophetic message of equality to the church.

The database
We envisage that the new website and database will target churches, festival organisers and Christian organisations based in the UK, who are looking for women speakers for their services and events.
We hope that a range of organisations will feel able to use the site - not just those that are more progressive and specifically interested in gender justice, as we feel that even more conservative Christian organisations can be more inclusive without compromising their beliefs.
We want the website to become a key place for those looking to find female speakers. We often see event organisers say that they do not know many women speakers, or would appreciate being told who would be a ‘good fit’ for their event. We want to be able to direct them to the new site, safe in the knowledge that they will then be faced with a choice of hundreds of experienced speakers.